My Work History

I’ve been lucky in my career to have had a wide range of experiences, from agency work, to SaaS companies, to building and successfully exiting my first startup.

I’ve worked in the B2B and B2C space. I’ve sold digital products, physical products, experiences, and software.

I’ve honed my skills around copywriting, email marketing and automation, marketing strategy, partnerships, funnel design, website building (like this one), curriculum design,  graphic design, and more. 

I’ve developed customer engagement skills, public speaking skills, event planning skills, and sales skills.

I consider myself to be a very well-rounded marketer who loves problem-solving, collaboration, and using my creativity to tackle big problems resulting in happy clients, customers, and coworkers.

Below you’ll find more details about some of my work history. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!

Writing Samples

(Alexandra Wimley | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette | The Associated Press) Samina Mohamedali, left, and her husband, Kutub Ganiwalla, members of the Dawoodi Bohra Muslim community, both of North Hills, prepare to place flowers on a memorial in front of the Tree of Life Congregation, Sunday, Oct. 28, 2018, in Squirrel Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh.

Commentary: How to prevent another tragedy like Pittsburgh | Salt Lake Tribune

I wrote this opinion piece in the wake of the Pittsburgh shooting in 2018 to address the growing religious and political divide in our country, and my experiences serving and connecting with people of other faiths, ethnicities, and backgrounds.


 Win-Loss Analysis: DIY vs. Third-party | Clozd

The sales reps at Clozd were facing a common objection when introducing stakeholders to the importance of win-loss analysis. They’d say, “This is great. We totally see why this is is important. We’ll just do it internally.”

They didn’t fully grasp the work or technical knowledge required to run a successful win-loss analysis program.

I wrote this article to demonstrate the pros and cons of hiring a third party vs. doing win-loss analysis on your own to help sales reps educate buyers and overcome this objection more quickly.


Why people leave the church and never come back

I wrote this article to address an deeply troubling issue cropping up in the religious community of my upbringing.

Since its publication it’s been read over a million times, and has been a resource for countless individuals walking the lonely path of a faith crisis.

Seriously, what’s the point of marriage? | The Gottman Institute

After over a decade of research, it dawned on me that most marriages struggle because they enter the relationship with the wrong objectives.

Marriage isn’t supposed to make you happy…

The most fulfilled couples have learned to pursue a much different—much more rewarding goal.


The true ROI of win-loss analysis | Clozd

When I arrived at Clozd, the leadership team was reluctant to make any public claims relating to ROI.

“We are a data platform. How clients choose to leverage that data will inform whether or not they see a return on their investment in win-loss analysis.”

The product marketer on our team conducted a research study with our customers to determine how they were using their win-loss data, and the impact it was having on their business.

This article illustrated those findings, and provided our revenue team with publicly-sharable ROI numbers for the first time in the company’s history.


When I started at Clozd, the marketing team was small and scrappy. The company’s growth strategy had been built on capturing current demand. I was hired to build a content strategy to create demand by creating compelling content that educated the market on:

  1. What modern win-loss analysis looks like
  2. How it’s essential for revenue leaders who want to consistently hit revenue goals
  3. How the Clozd approach is better than any other solution

Here are some of the projects I produced that I’m most proud of:

Win-loss 101

This 6-part course detailing how to stand up and run a successful win-loss program was created to help:
  1. Indoctrinate win-loss analysis program managers into our methodologies and approach
  2. Help prospects experience how difficult it is to build and run an ongoing win-loss analysis program.
  3. Experience the value of Clozd’s suite of win-loss analysis products and services.

This course continues to play a key role in shortening the sales cycle, and closing big enterprise deals.

I wrote the sales page copy, then planned, produced, edited, published and promoted the course in its entirety. I also created the email sequence to make this product evergreen.

The Win-Loss Show


I produced, hosted, edited, and published Clozd’s first-ever win-loss analysis podcast.

The show became a great platform to show off the knowledge and expertise of the internal experts at Clozd.

Several client interviews became the source material for several phenomenal case studies, including Calendly, and Xactly.

It was a source for a growing library of social proof in the form of quotes, video snippets, and use cases for new industries and roles.

It was a place to distribute our very best content from conferences, events, and trainings.

Prospects still message me about the value of the podcast, how it has helped them in the research phase of the buyer’s journey.

Win Loss Week

One of the first projects I took over when I started at Clozd was to produce all of the sessions for our annual event: Win Loss Week.

I prepped, interviewed, edited, and published over 20 interviews with industry experts and clients while significantly elevating the production level of the sessions compared to previous years.

Clozd Blog

During my time at Clozd, I managed the company blog—including creating new content, and updating and optimizing old content.

 I also played a key role in developing and launching the Resource Center to help prospects quickly access to the most valuable content to their use case or role.

Growth Marriage

Back in 2012, I left my job at Tony Roma’s (see below), sold all my possessions, raised $30k on Kickstarter with the help of my friend Melissa, and went on a crazy cross-country road trip with the goal of interviewing America’s most madly-in-love couples. My goal was to find out the secrets of lasting, fulfilling, passionate love.

I recorded all my podcasts and published them on my podcast, “The Loveumentary” (now Growth Marriage).

Ever since I completed that project, I’d felt like I’d left things unfinished. There was more I had to learn, more I wanted to share, and more couples struggling to create the relationships of their dreams that wanted help.

So, in 2017, I left my job at Workfront (see below) to see if I could find a way to make a living helping couples from all walks of life to create extraordinary relationships.

I was introduced to my soon-to-be business partner, Kenton. And together, we created a series of challenges where we broke complicated and often emotionally challenging relationship issues into bite-size step-by-step lessons to help couples improve their lives together.

We covered topics like restoring trust, turning conflict into connection, and rekindling desire in their relationships.

Then we started planning Date Night events. My goal was to get rid of the taboo around “working on your marriage.” We wanted to show people that putting effort into your marriage didn’t mean you had a bad marriage, or that something was wrong. And it didn’t need to feel like work! It could be easy, and fun.

We produced several events with hundreds of couples in attendance throughout Salt Lake County, Davis County, and Utah County. The final event was in front of a sold out crowd of over 3,000 people and featured world renowned marriage researchers, and NYT Bestselling authors, Drs. John and Julie Gottman.

After the event, the Gottman’s told me it was the most enjoyable event they’d ever spoken at, and likely the biggest crowd ever gathered to see them as the main attraction.

They wanted me to produce series of 8 more events all across the country to complete the tour promoting their new book, “Eight Dates: Essential Conversations for a Lifetime of Love.”

Unfortunately, when COVID hit, it made it impossible to continue doing events. It was at this time that my business partner and I also parted ways.

Necessity is the mother of all invention. So when events dried up, I turned my attention to online courses and programs.

COVID was putting many marriages to the test. Tensions were rising. Conflict was escalating. Many couples who needed help were tight on time, patience, and funds. And therapists were maxed out.

My friend, Marriage and Family Therapist, and master trainer for The Gottman Institute, Laura Heck, and I spent several weeks interviewing wives. We found that they were feeling lonely, anxious,  overwhelmed, and resentful in their marriages.

They complained of feeling like they were carrying more than their fair share of responsibility to make their marriages work, and their husbands were often checked-out, emotionally distant, and felt like an extra child they needed to take care of.

We then began interviewing husbands and found they felt like failures. No matter what they did, or how hard they tried, it was never enough. They loved their wives, but they just didn’t know how to get back the respect and admiration they once felt from them.

Together, we created a program called the Epic Wives Experiment. It was a 30-day program to help wives get the love, support, affection, and connection back into their relationship.

To date, well over a thousand women have participated in that program with testimonials that have literally brought me to tears.

Next, I decided to tackle another big challenge: Too many couples were struggling without access to the resources they needed to improve, or save their marriage.

Sometimes it was due to lack of finances. Other times, one partner was reluctant to attend therapy, or “work on the marriage.” And often, they had no idea where to start.

I decided to offer couples a simple way to get support, mentorship, and skills-development for their marriage at a fraction of the price they’d pay for therapy.

That’s how the Epic Marriage Club was born.

The Epic Marriage Club is a membership program that costs less than 1/10th of therapy.

In that program I’ve curated a list of over 100 activities couples can do to improve their marriage in less than 10 minutes. I’ve amassed hundreds of hours of expert interviews, workshops, and Q&A sessions. And I’ve made a list of all of my favorite books, programs, tools, and products to that help marriages succeed.

Then, I organized all of this content into a simple, easy-to-understand framework that couples can use to diagnose their relationship problems, and start making efforts to improve their relationship. (This framework will be the basis of my upcoming book.)

Hundreds of couples have participated in the Epic Marriage Club, and it’s one of the most rewarding projects I’ve ever participated in.

Other notable accomplishments I’ve made during this time:

I’ve given a TEDx talk.

I’ve been trained by the most respected marriage researchers in history.

My writing has been featured on websites like ThriveGlobal, The Gottman Institute, Salt Lake Tribune, The Good Men Project, and more.

I’ve made multiple TV and Radio appearances, and been a regular guest on many local stations.

I’ve developed courses, virtual workshops, webinars,  and membership programs that have impacted the lives of thousands of couples.

I’ve been featured on YouTube videos with hundreds of thousands of views.

I’ve spoken at events all over the country.

And I’ve coached couples who feel stuck, and helped them experience breakthroughs that changed the trajectory of their relationship.

Notable Accomplishments:

✅  My emails regularly have open-rates above 40%, and often hover around 90%-100%
✅  My YouTube channel amassed over 20k watch hours in the first 9 months
✅  Over 1.5 MM podcast downloads
✅  Created a content engine
✅  Developed partner program
✅  Learned to conceptualize, plan, market, emcee, keynote speak at my own events where I was then able to sell from the stage closing over 10% of the room.
✅  Learned the intricacies of building a successful membership, minimizing churn, and maximizing results for my clients
✅  Built high-impact, high-engagement workshops and courses using best practices for adult education

✅  Helped countless couples break generational cycles and create fulfilling, passionate relationships.

What My Customers Say About Me:

It’s scary how you seem to know exactly what we need in our relationship every week… how do you do that?! But thanks especially for this week’s email. It helped me realize I need to be a better praiser in our relationship.

Thank you. Reading you, listening to your podcasts, and maintaining a spirit of improvement, love, connection and compassion has been a really huge part of many mechanisms I have been implementing to improve my relationship with the wonderful man that is my life partner.

Your podcast has changed my life. Finally a truly useful, info packed, podcast on marriage.

I have really enjoyed all of the content that I have interacted with and everything I put into use has really benefitted us… The benefits have extended well beyond my marriage and have spilled over to friends. Just discussing some of the things I learned seemed to inspire my friends to look at their marriages and relationships differently.

You’re incredible! Thank you for sharing this Nate! I find your candidness & perspective so refreshing. You inspire me & many others. You help create a safe place to look at real relationship challenges, be accountable & loving at the same time. This world NEEDS this so much & I wanted you to know that I appreciate & respect what you are doing. 
It’s rare to find a podcast host who listens so well that he draws the best out of his guests. Nate is that host. Solid conversations about what we can all do to make our marriages better and how we can deepen the intimacy and love with our spouse. This is truly a great listen!

Today’s been a really tough day, but your email reminded me that though I do really want to just completely allow myself to freak out – that i do have the ability to chose to be caom and composed, and not get knocked off my course. It’s hard, but it’s possible.

Anyway, thanks for your words and the spirit in which you do the work you do. It really does make a difference in people’s lives.
Doing the Epic Wives Experiment was some of the best money I’ve ever spent! Nate and Laura really want to see our marriages improve.

Participating in the Epic Epic Wives Experiment was one of the best decisions I have made in a long time. If you’re debating trying this experiment, do it!

Things are better than they have been for 15 years! My husband […] is growing  leaps and bounds. We are bonding over house projects. Things are looking up for the first time in a long time.


I came to Workfront after exiting my first startup, Unbox Love.

I was excited to take on the role managing the rollout of their Customer Community and their new User Group program. 

In this role, I helped select the community software, develop a content and engagement strategy, and grew a very active community what has grown to over 20,000 monthly users.

I was also able to bring the community experience into the analog world for our customers. I started by selecting 6 major cities across the United States where Workfront had high a concentration of users. I then planned events in each city with presentations by Power User Customers, along with members of the Workfront team from different organizations.

These events were amazing learning and networking opportunities for customers, and they were also fantastic sources of customer feedback.

I grew this program to over 15 cities in my 2-year stint at Workfront before leaving to start a new company. 

During my time at Workfront I learned the value of actively engaging with, and listening to customers. The community was responsible for lowering customer attrition, improving adaptation, relieving stress on the support team, expanding the reach of our training materials, and providing the product team with game-changing new feature ideas.

Notable Accomplishments:
  ✅  Was awarded Employee of the Month on 2 occasions for the entire marketing team.
  ✅  Planned and executed the content and community management strategy which has grown to over 20,000 monthly members
  ✅  Presented some of the most popular sessions at our annual user conference
  ✅  Grew the User Group program from 0 to 15+ cities in 2 years
  ✅  Coordinated between product, account management, sales, product marketing, training, support and executive teams to provide valuable expert training, insights, and updates for customers. 
What My Colleagues Had To Say About Me:

“I’ve had the pleasure of knowing and working with Nate Bagley for almost two years, and I can say with certainty that he is a knowledgeable, passionate, and customer-oriented resource for any marketing group or business that’s lucky enough to have him. 

“His willingness to tackle problems head-on would be admirable on its own, but one of his greatest strengths is his carefully honed ability for lateral thinking. This means that he is always looking for the secondary or tertiary way to approach business problems, and the novelty he brings to the table is part of the key to why he succeeds in delighting customers so well.

“Give Nate a task, goal, or initiative and watch him go to work on it. You’ll be amazed at the results.”

-Nick Scholz


InMoment was my first experience working at a SaaS company on the in-house marketing team. I was one of the first 50 employees, and it was an exciting time of growth and change.

Our marketing team was small, so I had the opportunity to wear multiple hats, and learn lots of new skills.

I helped the company roll out their blog, spoke at their user conference, managed their social media accounts, cultivated relationships with 3rd party experts, wrote press releases, helped form the Culture Committee, interviewed customers for testimonials, and even edited videos for executive keynote addresses.

Notable Accomplishments:

  ✅  Produced customer service themed video for CXO’s keynote address that made everyone cry
  ✅  Established relationships with Forrester Analyst who later spoke at our conference and wrote for our blog
  ✅  Rolled our the company blog
  ✅  Created powerful marketing messaging by coordinating with sales, product, executives, and customers
  ✅  Played a major role in creating a vibrant and inclusive company culture

Unbox Love

Unbox Love was my first foray into entrepreneurship. It was right at the pique of the subscription box craze. My best friend and I were chatting one night, and he said, “Wouldn’t it be awesome if someone just planned your date night for you, and mailed it to your doorstep?”

I got so excited about the idea, I ran home and put together a website with a lead-capture form to gauge interest.

Within a week the idea had made it to the homepage of Reddit, and the front page of KSL. We had over 5,000 people asking for us to mail them a date… and Unbox Love was born.

When we opened up our store and began taking orders for our test run, we sold our first 250 boxes in less than 30 minutes!

Then, it dawned on us… we had to find a way to fulfill these orders.

We spent the next several weeks scrambling to source boxes; write, design and print instructions; open up wholesale accounts and start placing orders for products; pack everything up; print labels; and ship it all out.

The next 2 years turned into a crash course in operations, supply-chain management, managing churn, sourcing date-night supplies from all over the world, partnerships, email marketing, fulfillment, and so much more.

It was during this time that I applied for, and was offered a chance to speak at TEDx Salt Lake City.

Standing on a stage and talking my experience traveling the country, interviewing the most madly-in-love couples in the United States was one of the highlights of my life.

After 2 years of running Unbox Love we sold it, and I got to experience my first official exit from a company I co-foudned.

Notable Accomplishments:
  ✅  Learned the ins and outs of business operations, process, and fulfillment
  ✅  Worked to get featured on the front page of Reddit, KSL, and ProductHunt
  ✅  Developed a successful partner program with bloggers and influencers
  ✅  Applied for and was offered a chance to speak at TEDx Salt Lake City
  ✅  Curated over a dozen monthly date ideas that could also fit into a box and be were shipped to thousands of couples all over the world.
Check Out My TEDx Talk Here
What My Co-Fonder Has To Say About Me:

“Nate cares about you. He’ll make that apparent within five minutes of meeting him.

His excitement about your life, your thoughts, your dreams and goals, and your work is both disarming and refreshing.

Working with him at Unbox Love I had a front-row seat to witness that level of commitment and care extend to everyone our small business served. His excitement for our customers and their well-being and happiness fueled him every day to create amazing experiences that would strengthen their relationships.

He understands people, relationships, business, marketing, and story-telling, and brings them together in a way only he can.

His positivity, energy and never-ending enthusiasm are incredible assets and helped Unbox Love thrive before we had even finished launching our first product.

Nate applies his whole self to his work in a way that’s palpable and infectious. It was a privilege working with Nate and I hope to find an opportunity to work with him again.

-Steve Boyer

Tony Roma's

Tony Roma’s was my first experience in the B2C space.

My main tasks included updating the corporate website, managing the social media accounts, and building/maintaining an intranet and asset library for hundreds of franchisees and corporate stores located all over the world.

 This job taught me to problem-solve, and the importance of creating clear systems.

Notable Accomplishments:

  ✅  Produced customer service themed video for CXO’s keynote address that made everyone cry 
  ✅  Established relationships with Forrester Analyst who later spoke at our conference and wrote for our blog
  ✅  Rolled our the company blog
  ✅  Created powerful marketing messaging by coordinating with sales, product, executives, and customers
  ✅  Played a major role in creating a vibrant and inclusive company culture

Orange Soda

Orange Soda was my first taste of agency work.

I started out as an account manager. My job was to manage relationships with my clients, while simultaneously running their paid search accounts on Google and Yahoo.

During this time I also was one of the founding members of the Utah Social Media Club.

I consistently won the “Yoda” award for excellent customer service, and managed over a dozen profitable PPC accounts for small businesses.

Later on, I moved to the SEO team where I got into the more technical side of organic search engine optimization. While on that time, I split my hours between managing SEO tasks, and managing Orange Soda’s social media presence.

Notable Accomplishments:
  ✅  Learned to manage and optimize paid search campaigns
  ✅  Mentored fellow teammates, and filled in when managers were absent
  ✅  Mastered the basics of SEO
  ✅  Consistent success managing high-demand accounts
  ✅  Helped develop and manage social media presence
What My Colleagues Had To Say About Me:

“Nate was a HUGE addition to the company culture at OrangeSoda. I’ve worked with him previous to OrangeSoda and fully endorse him in any job he applies for.

He understands and knows online marketing and social media communities avidly and just a plain hoot to work with, manage, and be around day to day.”

-Jon Sanderson

“Nate is the example of being the expert in his field. He quickly became the person that people went to with questions regarding PPC. Nathan is very approachable and easy to work with.”

-Jed Smith